Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Day 8 (August 15, 2006) after chemo and Valerie is doing very well. She stopped by my work today with the kids (which was a nice surprise!). Weird part of the day was a phone call from a reporter for our local Santa Clarita newspaper The Signal asking if she could interview both of us for a possible article on our blog, or blogs in general. Who knows if they will ever publish anything, but it did make me realize how much this thing has helped our family get through this. Many may not care a bit about your daily feelings (those that do can read along!), but getting them out here has helped our own family (which is why I do it). Valerie often clicks through the many links I research and it helps her answer some questions, but often gets us talking about ones we did not realize each other had! If you asked me six months if I would put this type of info on a blog, my response would have been "Uhhh NO!", but life happens and so I blog it!

My two cents....

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