Thursday, August 24, 2006

Day 4 after the second treatment (August 24, 2006). Well Valerie did not do so well late on day 2 (Tuesday night) all the way into day 4 (Thursday). She got pretty nauseous on Wednesday and had pretty bad shakes for the last two days (she says it felt like she drank about 30 cups of coffee). Today (Thursday) she has been having trouble keeping her eyes open, she says it just feels like they want to close and go to sleep. Dr. Senofsky has been talking to (prodding) Valerie to be the spokesperson for the Henry Mayo Breast Cancer Awareness Program, she told me today she is going to do it. We don't know all that it entails, but they mentioned several events, benefits and fund raising activities that they would like for her to speak about being a Breast Cancer Survivor. When I find out more, I'll post it! What a change from a couple weeks ago! I told you she was getting better!

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